What's New
Jun. 21,2024  - Results of 2024 April Examination were updated
Dec. 28,2023  - Results of 2023 October Examination were updated
Aug. 10, 2023  - FE and IP Exams will change from April 2024

From April 2024, in FE, Morning Exam will change to Subject A, and the number of questions will change, while the scope of questions will remain unchanged. Afternoon Exam will change to Subject B, and the number of questions and the scope of questions will change.
In IP, questions on programming in the pseudo programming langeuage will start to be given.

Outline of ITPEC Common Examination from April 2024   -   Sample Questions for FE Subject B   -   Examples of IP Programming Questions

Aug. 10,2023  - Results of 2023 April Examination were updated
Jan. 25,2023  - Results of 2022 October Examination were updated
Jun. 20,2022  - Results of 2022 April Examination were updated
Feb. 18,2022  - Results of 2021 Q4 Examination were updated
Jul. 7,2021  - Results of 2021 Q2 Examination were updated
Jan. 13,2021  - Results of 2020 October Examination were updated
Jan. 13,2021  - Results of 2020 Q2 Examination were updated
Jan. 17,2020  - Results of 2019 October Examination were updated
Jul. 5,2019  - Results of 2019 April Examination were updated
                            Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Feb. 7,2019  - Results of 2018 October Examination were updated
                            Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Sep. 18,2018  - Results of 2018 March Examination were updated
                            Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Jan. 15,2018  - Results of 2017 October Examination were updated
                            Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
May 29,2017  - Results of 2017 April Examination were updated
                            Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Dec.8,2016  - Results of 2016 October Examination were updated
                           Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Jun.27,2016  - Results of 2016 April Examination were updated
                           Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Nov.30,2015  - Results of 2015 October Examination were updated
                           Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Jun.30,2015  - Results of 2015 May Examination were updated
                           Examination Statistics - High Score Passers - All Passers Information
Mar.27,2015 - New ITPEC website is open!
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Exam Schedule for 2024
Date of April Examination
April 28th, 2024
Examination Category
Date of October Examination
October 27th, 2024
Examination category
[Note] Exam dates are subject to change.
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